Saturday, March 16, 2013


The first picture displayed here is of an 8*10 canvas board done with alcohol inks. The second picture is of an 11*14 mixed media paper painted with Chinese watercolors. I had a request at one of my art shows to do a similar painting as the original alcohol ink one, except larger. I informed the person that is was not possible to due, as I was not sure the exact colors I had used to create the painting. The difficult thing about alcohol inks, besides their unpredictability is that when mixing them together, they tend to create their own colors. You could mix a teal and a purple, and get a bright pink, you just never know. I was using these watercolors in the second painting yesterday, and realized I had a similar color scheme happening from the original painting. Without looking at the first painting, I attempted to paint this new one to look as if it was from the same series, and the same materials. I am excited that this was successful, and am now able to recreate alcohol ink paintings with more different mediums.

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