Monday, March 4, 2013

Help! I'm not artistic!

I often hear this statement when people ask about my art. People tell me that they would love to be able to create, but just couldn't do it, that they don't have an artistic bone in their body. I'm here to tell you that you can do it. All it takes is determination and practice, lots of practice. No one starts off perfect at anything. To be honest, I do not believe in perfection in action, only within memories, emotions, and moments in time. Practice is how that famous athlete got to his or her position, practice is how the musician sounds beautiful, and the same thing applies to artist. For example, I have learned and progressed a lot since I started painting, which was less than two years ago. I got to this point by practicing, a lot. I paint, doodle, sketch, draw, sculpt, and trace as often as I can. There is only so much that can be learned from books,  and although I highly recommend them, there is nothing that helps you progress like practice. If any goal seems too daunting, break it up into smaller goals. For example, I want to complete a bubble painting, with a lot of different techniques I need to practice. To start, I am simply filling pages up with circles, drawn with a pen. They may be lopsided now, but the more I practice, the more proficient at circle drawing I will become, and the closer I will be to completing that bubble painting. Just remember, set small, achievable goals, commit to learning, and most importantly, practice. In time, you could be a beautiful painter, or musician, or pro athlete.  I believe you can do it!

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