If you like my work and are interested in buying any of them, or simply checking out new pieces I have created, here is my etsy shop that I just got up and running. I appreciate your support, and am working on setting a schedule to more frequently update this blog. I have about 30 new paintings I have done since my move to Seattle, WA and am excited to share them with you.
For now, here is a couple examples of some of my new work.

This first piece was created with acrylic inks, both colored and iridescent, which are embedded in a layer of pouring medium. This adds depth and dimension to the piece, and the interference/iridescent inks add complexity as the colors change in different lights. It reminds me of stained slides in a microscope and looks like something from an internal anatomy structure, without being directly referential of any particular structure. This piece is done on 10in by 10in canvas with painted sides, ready to be put on display.

This piece was created solely with the use of acrylic paints, which has become rare for me, since I love so many media and can hardly contain myself to just one. It was done during my phase of planet/galaxy interest, and has an alien sky feel to it. It was done on 9in by 12in paper and comes sealed in an art protector.