Saturday, January 19, 2013

colored, cut and cooked pendants

Just pulled this pendants out of the oven and finished them with a matte spray. These pendants were all colored with alcohol inks and mica powders. The top 5 were cut with a round cutter, the rest were freeformed. I like the variety, as I have found that some people prefer perfectly round pendants, and other like theirs to have a little more character. I am excited for the next upcoming shows, I already have 3 lined up, two of which are next month. I am hoping to participate in more local art shows this year, and have more pieces available at them.


  1. I really like these. I think they will make a nice addition to your shows. Sometimes people who won't or can't buy the larger pieces can justify, in their minds, buying something they will wear, so I think the jewelry line is a good one. If you decide to explore this avenue for a while, you might even consider an etsy shop.

  2. Thank you, I agree with you, people really seem to spend more on jewelry than other arts. I have considered an etsy shop a few times, and even went so far as to have high quality pictures taken of my paintings by a photographer friend. However, it would be difficult to ship paintings, and there are already so many jewelry venders on etsy. If I can figure out an efficient way to ship paintings, I will start a shop for all my art work, it would be a great way to make some extra money and promote my work.
